SNOW DAY TODAY! I am working feverishly while my family naps (OH how I wish I was cuddled up napping with them!) to get a little caught up now that I have a loaner computer from Apple. Last week I spent a whole ton of time on my new website so going into the weekend I was already a little behind in edits, blogs, galleries and design work. Now I’m insanely behind and of course we have a busy weekend. Oh and soccer starts Monday for Chris which just means my stress level goes up a few notches with him gone all the time. And in case you’re wondering… YES this is the third time my computer has had issues since buying it in August SO as soon as we figure it out we’re moving forward towards a NEW computer because that thing is not coming back in this house! I am SO done with that lemon!

Blogging this sweet family loving their new baby on a snow day seems fitting! If I had a new baby right now I wouldn’t get off the couch for anything! Baby snuggles, warm blankets and lots of movies sounds amazing today!

Enjoy this sneak peek!

I hope everyone has a good day at home with your kiddos!