Don’t you *adore* the name Sabine? (Sorry, Bailey, Olivia was a really great name too!) And it is so perfectly fitting for such a gorgeous baby with parents, who, to say we adore is a major understatement! Remember them here and here and, oh yeah, here (did I mention we majorly adore them?!).


And as much as we adore the parents… Sabine gave us a run for our money! She did NOT want to sleep and let’s just say that when she exploded ALL OVER KIM I almost wet my pants! HA! The best part was that we had a shoot right afterwards so Kim couldn’t change! Thank goodness for layers! HA!


Sabine was just a perfect little baby though… even with all the projectile pooping! And her nursery. Oh my word her nursery. I’m still having dreams about it. Think Anthropology meets Pottery Barn Baby meets local antique store meets CRAZY TALENTED ARTIST MOMMA! Gorgeous and eclectic and when I’m rich I am hiring Bethany to come decorate my entire house!





We LOOOOOOOVE this family and couldn’t be happier for them as they welcome Sabine into the family! Beautiful Sabine. Sabine. I think I just love saying her name!

Congrats you guys!