We lost a tree Monday night in the massive storm that blew through Webster… half of it was knocked down and it’s being suspended mid-air about 20ft off the ground. It doesn’t look all that big in the photo but it’s pretty large! The tree guys is coming tomorrow and we’re spending an insane amount of money to have the branch and the entire tree taken down. Of course our car needs a major repair and the one and only toilet is acting funny and my tax bill was WAY higher than expected and well, when it rains it pours right?

Money sucks.


And while it’s totally dangerous to have the kids playing out there right now I just had to run out for 5 minutes with the girls because the branches hanging down like that is just so beautiful.

The light was DIM so my ISO was at 500 which adds a little grain that I am in love with.

My kids are at the ages when if you ask them to smile they give this really fake smile that drives me up a wall. So I either tell them to giggle or to just look at me. OR sometimes I’ll tell them to pretend like they’re models… and when I said that to PJ I laughed so hard that she did this whole “I’m so bored I could cry” pose! HA!

Amanda from Lilian Grace surprised my girls a couple of weeks ago by sending them some more of their favorite headbands! She is AWESOME! Who does that for kids they don’t know? They wear these headbands ALL THE TIME and get compliments constantly! THANKS AMANDA!

I didn’t realize how much Bails looks like Katniss until I posted this image on FB last night and so many people made that connection! I love her giggly but MAN do I love her serious face too! Those eyes will always kill me.

Chris and I are blessed by so many things and people and community and the list goes on. But the thing that I thank God for every single day is that my girls are best friends. They have never been in a fight or an argument that has lasted more than a few minutes. They’ve never been cruel to one another or physically hurt each other. They wake up at 6am excited to play (they have this ongoing game of “animal school” they play) and come home from school ready to pick up where they left off. They fall asleep chatting with each other. They share a room, they share clothes, they share toys and they never get upset about that. Of course they need some separation sometimes too but that’s what school is good for or the occasional playdate. I pray constantly that this continues for the rest of their lives because I think this is what God intended for sisters to be for one another. It makes me sad that it took me and my sister until adulthood to realize that but now I thank God for her all the time.

Happy GREY’S PREMIERE NIGHT everyone!!!