The weather this spring has NOT cooperated at all for photo sessions! But the flip side is that so far, when we reschedule, the second option ends up being amazing! And the weather we had for this sweet family was no different! A bit chilly but totally beautiful! And the timing was perfect too. We met them last year at Shoot for Seamus at St. Louis Children’s Hospital NICU and a year later it was AWESOME to see little Parker doing so well! He is a busy one year old crawling everywhere but never more than a few inches from his Momma! He is a Momma’s boy through and through! It is such a HUGE blessing for me to see our NICU babies doing so well at home! One of my favorite parts of Shoot for Seamus!

Thanks for your weather patience Whitney! I hope you and Chris love your sneak peek!

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Oh how I hope you guys are having a good week! I am NOT. The stress of making the final decision on the studio (which I can take over on May 1st once I sign the lease! Yikes!) coupled with a family of squirrels living in our house (and paying an insane amount to have them removed) and thrown together with my car dying and having to suddenly buy a van is pushing me over the edge. Ugh. It’s just a lot. My head hurts (I think I’m battling allergies but maybe a cold?), my brain hurts and my heart hurts. I just need to keep moving forward but MAN does financial stress mixed in with a crazy schedule make for some gloomy days. I would love some extra prayer right now as I figure everything out!

Sorry to dump that on you after a super sweet family’s sneak peek! Fun and lighthearted photos don’t mix well with the gloom I just dumped here but THAT IS LIFE. Or it’s MY life right now anyway! SO bear with me! This too shall pass.