OH MAN ALIVE I love this family. Nikki is one of my favorite moms ever. She handles so much with such grace and her mom, Tootsie, is amazing too! They are an incredible team when they’re together at our sessions!

We started at the stadium and then went over to the Arch grounds… two places I don’t shoot around much so it was fun to explore!


The day of the session I was starting to really tell the two apart… now I can’t tell at all! And I know moms love big smiling kiddos but look at those cheeks! They have the cutest serious faces ever!

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Nikki is so beautiful!

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I’m totally guessing here so Nikki correct me if I’m wrong but I’m going to say Stephen is on the left and Kane is on the right!


No kids, I just liked this shot of the Arch!

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I’m SO glad Tootsie got in a few (super far away) shots! Those boys have two amazing women loving on them every day!

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And now I can’t tell again! But if I had to guess I would say Stephen and Kane (left-right)… am I right?


“Where’s your belly button?” HA!


Yep. Right smack dab in the middle of the Arch we grabbed this shot super quick! It was my idea… I think the one year old session is about the last time you can capture those sweet little tushes like this! When Bailey was in Kindergarten she made me take a shot like this of my three out of the bathroom… I miss it! They grow up WAY too fast!


We worked them so hard this is how the session ended! HA!

THANK YOU NIKKI! I loved capturing your family this year! And I can’t wait to continue to watch them grow! Happy Birthday sweet boys!