Hey guys! I’m in South Carolina but have two newborns who have VERY patient parents so I am using CRAZY slow wifi to get this up tonight and I will try to get the other one up tomorrow! No computer to edit on and no internet (our friend figured out how to somehow get the computer to work through his phone) which is making me crazy but has also allowed me to learn new games with my kids, play in the ocean more than I normally would, have amazing conversation with some of our best friends and our new friends and just truly RELAX. It’s a good thing to unplug every once in a while. If you NEED me please call and leave me a message… I am checking my phone once or twice a day. Otherwise, I will be back to work Monday!
This is Brett.
He is the youngest of FOUR boys!
He slept like a DREAM through the crazy family portraits (I don’t have the image here but check our Facebook page to see his siblings shot that totally cracked me up!) and then woke up when the room got quiet! A perfect fourth baby! A lover of chaos!
He was the sweetest little guy and I will come back when I get home to show you the family shots and the shot we got with his gorgeous Momma! It was beautiful!
Thanks for your patience while I enjoy my own kiddos! I can’t wait to share the images next week along with a slew of sneak peeks I didn’t finish last week!