Yesterday we got to take all three kids to the Cardinal’s game thanks to an awesome gift from a client who gave us five tickets! It was the first time we’ve gone as a family and Grayson’s first game ever! The weather was gorgeous, we rode the Metro Link which made the day even more fun for the kids and truly, it was just a really good day to be together as a family!


Towards the end of the seventh inning the kids started to get squirrelly so we left a bit early but for almost the entire game they watched so intently! It was very sweet to answer their questions and explain details of the game to them!


Ignore the red color casts on everyone’s skin! They’re my kids, everyone was wearing red and I didn’t feel like even attempting to fix it all! Plus, I actually kind of like the red tones!


Chris taught the girls how to keep score and they both LOVED that part!


Almost as much as they loved the peanuts! HA!


This series of images make me so so happy! My boys watching the game (Gray watching the batter and Chris looking at the big screen)…

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I LOVE THOSE! And in the last one my favorite is Parker’s little hand gently getting C’s attention to ask him what happened so she could write it down on the score card! Such a sweet moment!

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And the funniest photo of the day made me laugh SO hard! Look at that kid in the background! She’s crazy and I love her!


After I started laughing Bailey noticed her! I wish I had my aperture more closed down but this still makes me smile!

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I know I’m TOTALLY 100% biased but this kid is so cute! Even in my sweater!


Such a fun day making memories!

Regular sneak peeks resume tomorrow I promise!