
A few weeks ago I turned 36 and for my birthday Chris planned a beautiful drive out to a pumpkin patch we’d never been to. My favorite thing to do EVER is to road trip back roads and explore new places! It was the perfect birthday! He knows my love language!

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The pumpkin patch was just outside New Haven, MO and so we stopped there on the way to explore a bit – it’s an adorable little town right on the river!


Let me say here that I HATE corn mazes. Hate them. This one was huge and confusing and although it was a cool day I was sweating buckets! HA!

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Parker thought this huge gourd/squash was hysterical so we had to buy it!

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I included this shot so you could see the name of the pumpkin patch – it was really sweet and the pumpkins were still on the vines which we thought was awesome. I wish we had brought a knife but being able to REALLY pick the pumpkins was super cool – every patch we’ve ever been to the pumpkins are in the field but have already been cut. Anyway, we recommend it and had a great day!