Last year I went through the things we sell to our clients and I cut them in half. Or at least it felt like I did. Our galleries were overwhelmed with offerings that our clients never actually bought. Overwhelmed being the key word because I think that’s how clients felt when they had to make decisions about what to purchase! We looked through two years worth of orders and if less than 5 people purchased something in those two years it either got the boot or we discussed why it should stay. It’s basically what we all should do with the clothes in our closets or make our kids do with their toys – we had a good purge!

So now what we offer is pretty simple but I like it like that. Most of our clients end up with the digital files any way so we can always suggest places that can print photos on burlap or where to go buy a blanket with your kid’s face on it! You know, all those gifts you give grandparents! HA!

One item that made the cut because our clients LOVE them are Organic Bloom Frames! I adore these frames and have them all over our home as well as the studio. They are timeless, well made and I’ve become friends with the owners of the company so every time I buy a frame from them I am SO happy to be helping a small business succeed!


I love these frames. The colors are amazing, there are lots of shapes to chose from or if you’re boring like me they do have plain squares and rectangles as well! I LOVED pairing this sweet photo from one of our mini sessions with a perfectly matched frame for the studio! This is a 16×20 and I’m in love!

We have a huge color sample on the wall of the studio…001

And if you look closely – hanging on the knob of the end table there are color samples you can take home too! This is great if you’re not quite sure what color will go best in your home!


You can see some of the other frames we have in the studio (this was from last year when we first moved in – the empty ones have since been filled of course!) – gives you an idea of the fun shapes they offer!

Happy Friday friends! I thought it would be fun to share one of my favorite products with you guys so there you have it! Organic Bloom Frames! OH and I can sell the frames even if you aren’t a client! They only sell to photographers and I am a vendor in St. Louis so if you’re looking for a great Valentine’s or Mother’s Day gift this is a great option!

Have a great weekend! I have 17 Valentine Mini Sessions tomorrow which is CRAZY AWESOME! Stop by the studio if you’d like to see me in action but please bring caffeine! HA!