
SO – you win some and you lose some. Just before Christmas my family decided it would be a good day for a hike but we didn’t want to go too far as it was Christmas Eve morning and we had church that afternoon. I checked our book and found one in Chesterfield, Howell Island Conservation Area, that looked fun so we loaded up the five kids and six adults to head out there. As we got out of the cars my sister said she heard water and I responded that yes, it was an island so there must be water around it. I assumed there was a bridge or something to get to the trail but as we walked over the hill we all burst out laughing – it was totally flooded! You can see the trail starts WAY on the other side of all that crashing water! HA!


We stood around laughing and wondering what in the heck we were going to do! We considered a few other trails but were worried about time.


PawPaw and Bailey loved the driftwood!


After a few minutes we decided to scrap it all – super bummed – and we headed back to the cars. Of course we took a few photos!

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The sky was KILLER that day – those are my parents jumping with the kids! And STRONG Uncle Chris can still throw ALL the kids in the air – even my ten year old! The kids love it!


We didn’t get to scratch this one off our list yet but it still makes me laugh that we just had NO idea there could be so much water! (One of the LAST Christmas posts! HA!)