This location is one of my absolute favorites but oh my gosh the ticks! UGH! There was a HUGE one on the quilt that totally freaked me out! I didn’t end up with one on me but I was so nervous driving home! HA! I’m such a wimp! It’s all worth it for these photos though!


So many of my clients worry about what to wear – which DOES make a huge difference in your photos. Or they worry about the location – which also helps make photos more beautiful. Or time of day – yep – important too – sunset is my favorite for sure! BUT do you want to know the secret to the best photos?


Love one another.


Love each other and love your kids.


And don’t be afraid to let me see that love.


With wild abandon love on your family during your session!


The smiles will be REAL.


The emotion will come through.


The love will be so apparent it will jump out of the images and make you smile every time you look at them.

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It’s really that easy!


Don’t be stiff and worried about sucking in your tummy or how your hair looks.

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Just love on your family and the photos will turn out perfect!


Trust me. 10 years of experience and I know a thing or two!