I’m a pretty outspoken, human-loving, equal-rights-needing, environment-fighting bleeding heart liberal, so the political environment these days has been hard. There have been MANY nights when Chris gets home and when asked about my day the first thing I say is, “I think Trump is trying to DESTROY me!” Ok, I’m also dramatic! But I do strongly believe that things are pretty dramatic right now. And scary. And out of control. Even though, in my middle-class white woman privilege I might not see a lot of change in my life that’s too dramatic, I feel for those that are hurting.

When the world feels out of control having sweet babies in my studio calms me. They really do. Getting to spend a slow day with a brand new baby and their family is the perfect medicine for me these days. Doesn’t matter one iota if the family loves Trump, hates him or doesn’t care – politics don’t enter the studio. What matters is that we all want gorgeous photos of this new baby. We all want this baby to grow up loved. My job is a big reason I’ve become a bleeding-heart liberal I think. I’ve been with countless families as they’ve taken their child off of life support but I’ve also been in hospital rooms as babies enter the world. I’ve volunteered my time to churches and schools and hospitals and shelters. I love people. All of them. No matter who they voted for or what they stand for. But a newborn? The most innocent creature on earth? Just give them all to me for the next fours years please! It might be the only way I survive! I should totally run a Trump newborn discount just to keep myself sane! haha!

Thanks for hanging in with me – this is not what I intended to write tonight but my heart has been so heavy. We lost my uncle tonight and it’s just been a very rough few weeks. It actually makes me want to come back to this blog. To this space. This little spot on the world wide web that’s all mine. I used to blog so much of our life, my feelings and every day minutia but I’ve gotten away from that. Maybe I’ll find my voice and come back here to do more than just share pretty images. Is anyone out there still? Does anyone read this blog? What’s so sad about blogging is that even if no one reads it it still helps my SEO enough that I continue to post – I miss the days when the comments would come flooding in and I didn’t feel so alone with my three babies. Funny how FB and social media in general has changed all of that!

ANYWAY. Here are some sweet photos of Francis and her family! They are from October but somehow got missed on the blog so I’m righting that wrong tonight! Enjoy and thanks for sticking with me through my ramblings!
