Have I mentioned we’re moving? We are. And yesterday we took 90% of the kid’s toys over to my in-laws along with most everything else besides clothes. We got a LOT done yesterday!
But that meant today, when I had no sitting and a sick Parker home with Gray and I, I had a little trouble keeping the day moving. We went to Target first after dropping Bails off b/c Gray’s big toes were literally sticking out of his jammies this morning! And I let both kids get new jammies b/c even though I think PJ is a little old to wear footie jammies she REALLY wanted them so we could all have a jammie day today. How can I resist that?
By 9:30am we were home with a lot of hours to kill, no art supplies, no toys, no going outside (Parker was home b/c of asthma so running outside was out!), no books and no movies! Seriously! Luckily we had balls and cars and some stray princesses. But by 10am I was bored BORED bored.
So I got creative with what I had on hand…
#8 they are so Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!