You would think we’re about done with these sneak peeks, but we’re SO not! They will keep trickling in as we can get them done! This weekend we had an awesome opportunity to shoot for a local clothing company and we can’t wait to share the images with you… but in the meantime… on this GORGEOUS (if pretty darn hot) Sunday enjoy this sweet family!
I met Jen years and years ago when I photographed the church staff she worked for but it was SO good to see her again! Her family made (and is making) a lot of the same changes (eating better, making the house toxin-free, etc.) we’re trying to make so it was great talking to someone further down the road than we are. It was great chatting with her in general and we’re trying to make lunch plans soon so I can learn more about their journey.
Her son, Lyle, was sweet as can be, but any child with Autism can be a challenge to photograph. To really capture them as they are. To get the smiles. And when we started our quick 20 minute session I could tell we were not getting the shots we needed of him. He was stiff and uncomfortable and well, just not himself.
Michaela on the other hand was LOVING being our little model!
(Amazing hair pieces from Milla Designs… more on her soon!)
Very fast their 20 minutes was up. And the session was over. And Lyle was in the back room of the warehouse running around. And Kim could handle starting the next session without me. So I went back and tried to catch Lyle long enough to capture him.
Again, this kid can’t take a bad photo but we really wanted to capture him smiling so we brought a chair over and had Michaela come sit with him.
But then, I made mom get in a few. And she was the final straw to get those smiles we so hoped for! And if she doesn’t print these HUGE in her house somewhere I will do it myself!
Hands down my favorite shots from that entire day.
that last shot is priceless!!!!
Simply lovely. I would kill for a shot of me with my kids, that is half as good as that last sequence!!