We LOVE it when my sister comes in because it means my best friend is here with me and the COUSINS ARE TOGETHER! These five kids have fun whether we’re hiking, playing at Grandma’s, running around a park or really doing anything at all! This trip was no exception – all five were sad when the week was over!

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Just a little playground near our house but one the kids always love when we stop by!


Avery and Gray are so cute when they’re together!

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Abbie asked what I was taking a photo of and I said “our conversation” – love that we had time to really chat while together this week!

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After the park we went with my mom to pick out her new couches so when we got back to her house we moved their old couches to the deck – totally called for a MOVIE NIGHT! We took my big screen and projector from the studio, set it up on their deck and snuggled in for White Christmas – the perfect way to end December 21st and our first cousin day!
