Lately I’ve been trying to post a shot or two on FB and then I keep forgetting to do the blog sneak peek! Ugh! I’m pretty behind! And sweet Autumn certainly deserves her time on the blog because she was total perfection at her six month sitting up session! Summer is always SO good for my family because after a long school year of Daddy being gone we get to come together and just BE together a lot more but man I’m finding it harder and harder to keep up with Fresh Art and things like the blog! But I’m always trying to get back to it so here you go! The sweetest little six month old baby girl!


She made my JOB so so easy!


Isn’t she adorable?

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She was so funny because while she can totally sit up great she thought I was WAY funnier when she was laying down and looking up at me!

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And I’m so glad Holly brought her Grandma’s quilt! Not only was it gorgeous but it adds something special to Autumn’s photos! I love it when families bring something personal to their sessions!

Hope you guys had a great weekend!