A few weeks ago I mailed out my email newsletter announcing these super sweet mini sessions and completely forgot to announce them any other way! And I wonder why they didn’t fill up! Ugh! Summer is NOT a time to judge how I run this business! Too many fun trips and days with my kiddos that keep me away from the computer!


THIS SATURDAY AUGUST 10th… Back-to-School Mini Sessions!


10 images of your soon-to-be (insert grade here) with globes, a chalkboard (for writing their name because we all know that changes drastically each year!), an antique school desk and more fun props! Let them bring their new backpack if they want or their favorite lovie they are going to have a hard time saying goodbye to on the first day of school! The more personal the better! A favorite book! Anything! We can use all or none of the props.

10 images in an online gallery for ordering a few weeks after the session… session fee is $75 (just bring it Saturday) and each session comes with a soft-cover 8×8 book with fun questions your kids get to answer IN the book! With their own handwriting! Which officially will make it a priceless possession!

I am shooting at Blackburn Park starting at 7am and going until 10am. There are several 20 min slots open so just let me know if you’d like to come! And please spread the word! I’d hate to not fill these up! Thanks!