
Bailey was old enough to go to summer camp for 3 nights with The Gathering (our church) and was BEYOND excited! When we went to pick her up we got to stay and swim for a little while which was awesome but was even better was that we surprised her by bringing my nieces with us! The kids had a blast on all the water toys and we had so much fun just watching them!

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I was so proud of Samantha for doing the zipline! She can be nervous about things but man she climbed up there and jumped without any nerves at all! Total rock star!


Bailey was the only one brave enough to go backwards!


And the BLOB! Oh my gosh this thing had me laughing so hard I almost wet my pants! Bailey’s friend Vivian is a lot taller than anyone else and was big enough to really make the kids FLY so she volunteered to blob them all! She’s an awesome kid!


Avery is 5 and pretty much just swam around the whole time – not sure she tried anything but she had fun still!

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Those cheeks! Killed me all day! Love that kid!


It’s hard to see but Bailey is climbing up the glacier thing – she tried the whole time she was there and never got up but someone’s big brother was on it just before her and he pulled her up to the first hold so she could get started. I have no idea whose kid that was but what a nice boy! Bailey was SO proud and that kid ended up helping Parker get started too!

They loved the water trampoline too!


And OH MY GOSH watching them come down this water slide was cracking me and Chris up so much! They had to wear these crazy helmets and it was hysterical to watch! I don’t have photos but BOTH my nieces went down this HUGE slide which surprised the hell out of me! We were high-fiving them all over the place for that!


Bailey had such a good time and told me she can’t wait for camp next year!