A few weeks ago Bailey’s fifth grade class got to go skiing at Hidden Valley Ski Resort and she had a blast! It was an all day field trip and then parents could come up for the last hour to watch their kids ski. My friend Kelly and I went up together and I was honestly surprised how well they all were doing! Bails did so so great! She LOVED it and wants to go again so badly – might need to start saving for a trip to CO!


Our school got a new principal this year and while I will always miss Dr. Retzlaff, Dr, Wuch has been so great already! She skied the entire day with the kids which I thought was really cool!


Remember – we live in MISSOURI. So this ski resort is on a glorified hill with lots of fake snow! The ski lift basically goes horizontal but the kids LOVED it!

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Principal photo bomb!

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I grabbed a shot of Kelly and her kids and then she grabbed one of me and Bailey – so glad I agreed to get on the other side of the camera for once!

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We are super lucky that our kids get such great opportunities – love our school!