Hi! I feel like I need to welcome myself back! Last week it took me DAYS to upgrade from CS3 and LR2 to CS6 and LR4 between proving Chris is a teacher to get the student/teacher discount to making sure I’d saved all the actions that make my workflow, well, FLOW, to just getting used to the new layout of the program! I’m still not used to the gray/black background in PS! Then my new custom ordered computer came in so for two days they were transferring data so until late last night I was computer-less this week. I stayed up WAY too late last night adjusting my eyes to the new 27in screen! I always LOVED my 17in Mac Book Pro but this new screen has my heart and soul! Still getting used to it all though as I work on it today a little.

Anyway, that explains my absence!

Are most of you appalled that I was using CS3? HA!

We are heading out in just a minute to go MEET THE TEACHER and the girls are literally bouncing with excitement! School starts next Tuesday and I think we’re all just about ready. Especially since Daddy started last week… just a few days doing it alone and I’m ready for the routine of school again! HA! I’m such a wimp! Before we go to school I wanted to get Brooklyn’s birthday party sneak peek up though because I adore her parents and feel terrible that my computer switching made her sneak peek so late!

I think the photos can do the talking but just know that they all worked SO hard on her first birthday party! Tons of details and all of their family, friends and neighbors were there to celebrate with them! You can’t ask for a better party to celebrate your first baby!

Everyone sang to Brooklyn with her BIG cake and then they brought out her adorable smash cake!

Daddy and Grandma did a quick sink-bath before the gift opening began!

It was a LOT of gifts for one little girl to “open” and she started fading towards the end! I love sleepy babies!

Now, I think I cheated and just caught a long blink because I don’t remember her actually falling asleep but she did get snuggly with her momma towards the end and I just adore this photo… every baby should have a snuggle shot with their Mommy! I think it’s funny to see all the other people in the shot too because it shows that the party went on even when the birthday girl got sleepy!

She did rally for some of her bigger gifts at the end though! She was SO excited for this horse!

It’s always amazing to be invited into your client’s homes… a real honor to capture life as it’s happening. Thanks Kelly and Shaun for making me feel just like a part of the family! I had a great time and have SO many photos to show you soon!

Lots more to blog as I work to get caught back up now that I have all this fun new stuff to work with!