When we put on a Fresh Class and teach people to use their cameras a bit better we promise a CONTEST at a random time. I’m sure our July class didn’t think it would take us 6 months to announce their contest though! August-Dec is just insane for most portrait photographers and we were no exception so this was the first chance we’ve really had!
Send us ONE image you’ve taken in the last six months before Sunday. It has to be an image of a person in your family. And it has to evoke an emotion in you… that you have to explain to us. There can be NO post-processing done to this image at all. Straight out of the camera. Send the images to [email protected] BEFORE Sunday.
Monday I will post the images to share with our readers but this contest is a bit different. Kim and I are going to critique them ourselves and POST the critiques when we announce the winner. Other people can vote on their favorite BUT we ask that you tell us WHY you like one image over another. OR if you are a pro-photog we’d LOVE you to leave a comment with your own critiques!
Why are we doing our own critiques this time? And why are we asking you to give your opinion? Because what we ultimately want for the people that attend our class to LEARN. And part of learning is to see your image, your FAVORITE image, through the eyes of someone else. Especially someone that has more experience than you do. Kim and I are always looking to improve and help each other to grow… it’s an important part of perfecting your craft/hobby.
Send us your image. Of a family member. And tell us WHY you love it and WHAT it means to you. And Monday we will post all of them with our critiques plus announce the winner.
We will be looking for focus, exposure, cropping (in camera of course, no post-processing includes no cropping), composition, and of course creativity.
AND… later tonight or tomorrow I will be posting a fairly long post I’m working on about our business. Thing we are good at and areas we fail, goals for the year or five years down the road, things we want to change, things we want to outsource and why…. we’re hoping that by talking about some intimate parts of our behind the scenes it might help some newer photogs and/or start some good discussions in the comments. We will both be popping in to answer questions in the comments on this upcoming post so be sure to check them out!
Happy Friday!
OH… we do have TWO slots open for our Fresh Class next Sat the 22nd because two people canceled so email us if interested!