Right now I don’t offer any kind of official Baby Plan. We stopped offering them because a few times in one year we had families move, their jobs change (which changed their financials), etc. and they were unable to finish their Baby Plan that they’d already paid for. Now with the Weekday or Anytime Mini you can create your own Baby Plan and it works better for everyone because you’re not stuck with something if your life changes suddenly!

Even though we don’t have a specific plan for baby’s first year I LOVE LOVE LOVE being able to photograph then at all THREE amazingly fun stages! Newborn, sitting up and standing OR newborn, 6 months and one year! This week I had four sessions… a 6 month old out in a park, a one year old cake smash in the studio and two newborns in the studio! I literally couldn’t be happier!

AND because I do want to encourage all of my tiny newborns to book those two additional sessions I am now creating and gifting a special gift for each session AND for the one year session I am providing the cake! I have found an awesome baker, Catherine, who makes adorable cakes (more on her soon!) and for every cake smash we do I will help design a cake specifically for your session (based around the outfits you buy for the baby) so it coordinates! And it’s free! The two gifts will be a surprise and will show up in your order so I’m not going to give those away now but they’re fun!

Now…. here is Caroline! The beautiful six month old I got to hang out with earlier this week! We got to photograph her big brother as a newborn and throughout his first year and now I get to capture sweet Caroline! Catching up with Anne each time is my favorite part of each session!

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Isn’t she a doll? Those two little teeth were so adorable!

Hope you guys all have a great weekend! I get to catch up with another six month old tomorrow morning and then my parents are kidnapping the kids to go see the new Monsters Inc. movie which will give me some work time! Chris is out of town so the thought of an empty and QUIET house is amazing!