Happy Friday night! Most people have amazing plans tonight I bet and I am home working! It’s fall though.  I’m booked (nearly) solid and I’m happy. Happy to work on a Friday night after soccer in the front yard as a family and movie night together. Happy to watch my shows in my jammies while I edit sweet babies and work on Christmas cards for this year. Happy to have time with my mom and friends tomorrow at a flea market. Happy to be working with a photographer from MN who came down to shadow me on my three sessions this weekend! Just pretty darn happy. Tired and happy and busy. It’s going to be an awesome fall!

So let’s start the party with this adorable baby girl!


And how gorgeous is her Momma? Oh my goodness! Those cute bloomers are from Just Josie!


SO many times Grandma’s come to the studio with Mom to help out but NEVER get in the photos so we were CRAZY excited when this new Grandma allowed us to get three generations of beauty! Thanks Janet!


We end up doing a lot of set-ups but it’s the simple ones I ALWAYS love the most! Headband from Just Josie!


Chloe either had her tongue sticking out or was giving us these little crooked smiles or BOTH the entire session! She literally had us giggling! Headband from Three Fish Shop!


Headband from Wild Blossom Props! Love!

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We are obsessed with this new bonnet from Just Josie!


Oh sweet Chloe! It was SO great to meet you baby girl and we can’t wait to watch you grow!