This summer we are going to explore 10 new playgrounds and I’m going to blog about them! Get excited moms – we’re doing the legwork for you and finding the best playgrounds around town!

First up is Discovery Playground at Jaycee Park in St. Charles, MO.


The playground itself is HUGE and the kids had a blast running around exploring!


There is also a great water area with a waterfall, a stream and fountains – perfect for summer!

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That’s the little stream that led down to a few other fountains.

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The kids were excited that our friends the Dunn’s could go with us and seeing all five kids on this super cool merry-go-round was so fun!


There is a great music area (bigger than what I’m showing).


And the kids LOVED the rolling slide!

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There was an adorable nature play area too with a huge butterfly, stones to jump on and a big log to climb through among other things!

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And of course there were swings – those nice big handicapped ones too which makes this park very accessible to ALL kids.


They all loved this swing the best though!


Definitely wish this park was closer to us! Going west of HWY 270 just doesn’t happen often but we’d make the drive again for this one I think!

Three kids exploring 10 parks this summer! Should be a blast!