
Saturday morning we were up with the sun for the kids to run a 5K at their school!


Parker DID NOT want to run this year so she hung with her friend Janey and cheered on all the runners instead! She had a blast!


Bailey and Gray did SO well!


Bails came in second place for all the girls and Gray missed placing by just one kid! Our friend, Gabe, came in first for all the kids and did amazing! I think he ran it in about 23 minutes! Gray made it in 25 minutes and Bailey was at 26 I think. I don’t remember their exact times but they all did really really good – way better than I could have done!

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Bailey getting her second place metal!


After all the racers got finished they do the 100 yard dash by grade. Gray came in first, Parker tied for first and Bailey came in third.

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Bailey is just SO short compared to her friends – she tried hard though! We have a great school and this is one of our favorite events!