SO after dragging my desktop up to Peoria this weekend and attempting to tackle all my emails I’m still afraid I missed some from last week when I didn’t have the computer and was trying to work from my phone.

If you emailed me last week (today doesn’t count… I see those and am working through them!) and haven’t heard from me please try sending it again! Especially client inquiries… I feel like I missed a few!

ALSO… if you have any more submissions for a deserving family please send them! I’ve gotten a bunch but have only three that I really feel deserve a free session so I’m looking for two more awesome families! All of the emails have been amazing but I guess I really want these families to stand out. And the stories don’t all have to be super sad… I’d love to give back to someone that spends they life giving to others as well as families experiencing hard times.

THIS WEEK is all about EDITING! I only have ONE session which is just amazing after weeks of 10+. I am looking forward to a jammie day with my fingers working away (and laundry humming along too because MAN it’s piling up right now!). If I can I’m also going to announce winter Fresh Camera Classes, my next BOUDOIR MINI DAY and the date of the Valentine Minis (all three make great Christmas gifts!)… I’m working on dates and details so those are coming soon!

Thanks friends! Have a great start to your week!