Just a photo dump of my kids and nieces. I love them so so much and am so glad we had time to grab some updated shots of them recently!

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We didn’t do age order but right now they are 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 – until Gray turns 8 this weekend and Bailey turns 11 in July! I love this sweet time from March-June when they all line up though!


Bailey – almost 11. Wise, kind, caring, athletic, a good friend and an incredibly hard worker. She is SO excited for middle school next year and I barely have a worry because I know she will excel in her classes and has an awesome group of friends to support her.

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Samantha – age 8. She’s starting third grade this year and is more than ready! She is quick witted, helpful, empathetic and fiercely loyal.


Parker Jane – age 9. This kid. She’s funny, loving, smart, determined, strong and our family would fall apart without her. She loves Bailey more than anything in the world and that makes me the proudest mom around.

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Avery – age 6. Oh man this kid and those dimples! She is a bright little light in our family! She’s sweet and silly, loves to dance (something all of us are getting used to after being sports obsessed!) and everyone just loves her!


Grayson – almost 8. Lord help me with this boy. The only boy in a gaggle of girls. He’s dramatic, naturally athletic, snuggly, sensitive and a total instigator. He keeps us on our toes as parents but wow how perfectly he completes our family!


My sister and I are so blessed to have these five amazing kids! And I am SO thankful they all just totally and absolutely adore one another!