
Why not have a half day of school with only 9 days of school left! Us parents are all equally enjoying the last bits of freedom while our kids are in school and wishing summer would just get here already so we can stop pretending to care at all! But then they threw me for a loop with this random half day! I knew I’d lose my mind if I stayed home with them and tried to work so I gathered up my herd plus my friend’s girls and took them for a walk at MoBot.

They ran through sprinklers, sold fruit in the pretend store like they did when they were little, they fed fish/turtles/geese/ducks and mastered the maze. It was a great 2 hours that had them all complaining they were tired of walking by the end!

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We are so lucky to have such awesome kids in our life – these kids (even totally out-of-it Gray up there) get along beautifully, love each other like siblings and always have a blast together. They are family and I love them like my own!