Yesterday we got to spend some time with cousins to celebrate my mom’s first cousin, Sally’s, 70th birthday and it was so much fun! My mom is an only child so her first cousins are like my aunts and uncles – we are way closer than most extended families. I love that. I haven’t taken my camera out recently for personal stuff so I decided to bring it along. SO – here is a personal little photo dump for my family to see!


My mom, Holly (our host and Sally’s daughter) and the birthday girl!


Olivia and all the kids LOVED this drink – the adults did too!


To make this just put fresh watermelon in the blender until smooth. Pour the blended watermelon in cups about 1/3 full and then fill the rest of the way with champagne or sparkling cider for kids. I’m not a watermelon fan but everyone loved them! Bailey licked her cup!


My cousins, Holly and Gary, have the most amazing home in the city! There are four homes that share this outdoor space/pool and it’s absolutely stunning! Next summer we’re just going to move in if my kids have anything to say about it! They LOVED it!



Sally and Kent!


My kids LOVED their two pools and the waterfall!

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I felt bad taking a photo while Gary prayed but it’s one of my favorite parts of being in our family – we pray before every meal – and I’ve never captured it.


My dad – sunning himself!


Evan is adorable!


Everyone should laugh this much at their birthday party! I love these images!

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They should also do the YMCA! HAHA!

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Happy birthday Sally! We love you and we missed all the family that couldn’t be there with us!