Our weather lately has been insane. We will have a 50 degree day followed by a week of temps below zero. Luckily for us most of the warm temps have been on the weekend when we’ve had time to go on some adventures! Last weekend we took Sunday off church and drove over to IL. We first stopped at the confluence where the Missouri and the Mississippi Rivers meet. We’ve been there before but never with Chris and never in winter when the rivers are full of floating ice chunks. The kids LOVED throwing rocks and trying to make them land on the floating ice and trying to break up the ice at the edge of the rivers!

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Then we drove up to Grafton to stop for some ice cream… took a driving tour of Elsah (me and C’s favorite river town) and then headed up to Pere Marquette to hike. I haven’t hiked there since I was a kid and WOW is it a steep hike! But the views were totally worth the climb!

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Such a fun winter day! I could winter hike everyday if we had time! There are still several trails I want to do before spring hits!