I get to photograph this little man every year for his birthday and every year it’s an adventure! We met one day and it just wasn’t happening so we rescheduled after I got this ONE shot from our time together…


Can you tell he wasn’t the biggest fan of me that day? HA! So we met again. He wanted to go back to the trains (it’s a museum) and so we rescheduled for the same place and time just a couple of weeks later. But when we got there it was closed! Both Melinda and I wondered if it would EVER work out! HA! So we improvised and shot his whole session in the parking lot! And I LOVE it!

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I’m thinking about posting a contest to find the worst/hardest location and then trying to rock a session there because if you would have told me I could have done his whole birthday session in the parking lot I would have laughed at you!

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But now I love these so so much! I mean, Jackson is just about the cutest kid on the planet so that certainly helped! But sometimes I think photographers get great shots when they are forced to solve a problem on the fly and get creative!


So what do you think? Is there somewhere you can’t imagine good photos coming out of? I’d love a challenge this fall and hard/new locations can be a ton of fun to tackle!

Oh and Happy Birthday Jackson! FOUR is going to be a good good year!