I don’t actually shoot engagement sessions in real life so pretend like this isn’t an engagement session even though it totally is! HA! Kelsey is like my little sister, she was a junior bridesmaid in my wedding 12 years ago and now my girls/nieces are her flower girls and Gray is his ring bearer! The kids can’t wait and neither can we! Their September wedding is going to be beautiful!!! Since I was doing these photos as a gift we brought along an entourage with us for the session – all five kids, my mom and sister! HA! My friend Laurie, of Bliss Eleven Studios, is shooting her wedding (because she’s a FABULOUS wedding photographer!!!) so I begged her to come along for this session as well because I am terrible at posing adults without kids! We were quite the group walking around The Grove that evening! Enjoy the photos!


Oh – of course I took photos of our kids along the way as well!

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My sister!


We shot these at Urban Chestnut and the light was AMAZING! I would totally shoot anyone here!

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