Have you heard about what the St. Louis County Parks are doing this summer? They have a new 30/30 program – 30 different 30 minute hikes at parks all across the city! 30/30 HIKES LINK.

You have to go to one of the recreation complexes to get the punch card and then at the trailhead at each park there is a wood post with this little needle-like stamp where you punch the card… if you do all 30 hikes you can turn it in at the complex for a patch or something. I really have no idea what you get but I think it’s something a girl or boy scout could put on their uniform? I’m not sure we’ll finish and Parker is my only Brownie who could use the patch but it’s been fun so far because a. we love hiking with the kids and b. we love exploring new parks!

Love Park:


I love that we keep dragging our friends to these things with us!


I will admit this was not my favorite hike BUT I really hate hiking in the summer when it’s buggy and the paths are overgrown so that might have clouded my judgement! It did have a creek to cross which I love, it wasn’t insanely hilly which was nice and it emptied out into this HUGE field where men were playing Cricket! That was so awesome!

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It also had a pretty good playground! It only took us 20 minutes and if we hadn’t have timed it poorly with lunch (the kids were starving b/c we got a late start) we could have also done the two hikes over at Queeny Park because 30 hikes all over the place could take forever BUT I have to remember to put aside my competitive nature and be ok with the fact that we might not finish! It’s fun just to get out and explore our city!