Little Mac was born a while ago and I got ONE photo up on Facebook right away, edited a chunk of the photos and then kind of forgot about it all. Which is the theme of my life so far this summer.

My girls have started swim team for the first time and watching Parker in the pool is the best part of my morning. On day one she could paddle down most of the pool, stopping to hold onto the wall numerous times, but she did it. Now in the minutes she wasn’t holding onto the wall and was actually swimming I’m sure every lifeguard within 100 miles was waiting to jump in and save her because her version of free style was to barely keep her mouth/nose/eyes above water while desperately doggy paddling. It was hysterical and a bit scary in the deep pool. Near drowning was more her stroke than free style! But a couple of weeks in and she’s been working so hard that now she looks a little less like a drowning kid and more like a five year old learning how to swim. She’s making progress! Slow and steady but we have seen the changes and couldn’t be more proud!

I’m telling you this because this is how my summer started. The end of school this year kicked my butt for some reason. There just seemed to be about 100 things to do every day and never enough hours to finish it all. Then suddenly I had Chris AND the kids home all day EVERY day with me which made sitting at my computer to get stuff done almost impossible. Partly because the house can be loud+chaotic but if I’m honest it was mostly because I WANTED to be part of the chaos! I wanted to help them build and play in our new outdoor mud kitchen, I wanted to make a fairy garden, I wanted to work on some home improvement projects with Chris, I wanted to go hiking and swimming and bike riding. We don’t see Chris much during the school year so when he’s suddenly home a lot it’s just awesome and I want to soak it all in. Then less than two weeks into summer we left for our week-long vacation.

Needless to say I AM BEHIND. But like Parker, my little fish, I am starting to get my schedule in order and Chris is helping me carve good daylight work hours out of my days so I can catch up. If you feel like you placed your order AGES ago you should have it soon, if your sneak peek is WEEKS late it’s coming soon and if I never responded to your email, well, email me again because as of 2pm my inbox was EMPTY! YAHOO! Huge accomplishment today!

Anyway, Mac was born right in the beginning of my end of school/start of summer madness and I never blogged his Fresh 48 session! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I just forgot. And today when I was burning their disk I realized it so I am correcting this RIGHT NOW!

If you aren’t sure what a Fresh 48 is, it is basically a mini session a day or two after you’ve had your baby, at the hospital, in lieu of booking the full birth story session. I can’t take credit for coming up with this awesome idea of a session, I am in an amazing group online of birth photographers and the idea was born there! Thanks girls! It’s also perfect timing to blog these images since birth photography is getting such craptastic coverage right now! I am APPALLED at some of the things people are saying about the women who hire a birth photographer and the industry itself. It’s awful. HERE is the original article and if you haven’t read my friend Lyndsay’s response HERE yet you should, it’s awesome. Online, in FB groups, etc women are standing up to the junk people are saying about how gross and awful this type of photography is which is so great! I just wish big shows like The Today Show could hear other people’s views instead of letting Kathie Lee go off on it all. ANYWAY! The only reason I’m mentioning all of this is because I truly LOVE birth photography. It’s hard on my family and my schedule and my sleep but I would do it all the time if I could. It’s why I LOVE the Fresh 48 session. It is such a great balance of getting those first days in the hospital captured but it’s less invasive on the family (if they really don’t want the whole birth captured) and easier on me too! I’d take a birth any day but this is such a neat+new idea that I’m kind of in love!

Introducing Conner (Mac) McCarty’s Fresh 48 Session!

The Fresh 48 session is a great way to get those first shots with family too… something that’s hard at the full birth session because no one wants to take a minutes old baby away from mom or dad!

One of my favorite parts of these sessions is watching new parents explore their new baby! All those tiny fingers and toes!

When I’m there I’m not posing, maybe guiding a little but truly just capturing a new family of three and I love that!

The FUNNIEST part of Mac’s session was watching them change his first BIG diaper! This is when Sara realized he’d pooped and if you could have seen what happened once the diaper was off you would have cracked up! It was like removing his diaper was an invitation to just keep going! Oh my gosh I had tears streaming down my face watching five adults try to clean up this one little guy! It totally reminded me of the first day we brought Bailey home from the hospital and my mother-in-law and I were changing her when all of a sudden she shot poop all the way across the room! HA! It happens to all of us!

And guess who slept through all the chaos? HA!

If you’re interested in booking your own Fresh 48 Session please email me at jodie at freshartphotography dot com.