Oh my gosh is Maddie adorable! She is ONE BUSY TODDLER too! Oh my word! I first met Maddie last fall for their family session and we were outside so chasing a toddler comes with the territory! Stick her in my tiny studio and we had to figure out the best way to keep her in one place! I love having time with two year old kiddos because they are SO much fun and then after a crazy fun session I get to send them home so I can go take a nap! HA! I miss having babies at home but big kids are just so much easier!


Luckily she LOVED the blocks I have! And she thought stacking them up only to knock them down was HILARIOUS! HA! She was SO excited!


And I can’t remember what mom was doing but oh how she loves her Momma! And how gorgeous is Grandma? Love it!


SO thankful mom is so funny!

It was a whirlwind but so so great! I love active and busy kids… probably because I have three of my own at home!