
Of course my Mother’s Day was spent at a soccer field!


Bailey and Kate were born in different years (2005 and 2004) and youth soccer has changed the rules so next year we are age correcting Bailey. It was a HARD decision but because she’s kind of tiny we think she’ll do better with kids her own age/size instead of playing up on the ’04 teams and playing against kids possibly a year and a half older than her. SO we are soaking in every moment of sideline time with our friends because MAN we are going to miss seeing them all the time next year!


I tried to grab some shots of moms/kids but mostly failed! Love this one of Angie and JoJo though!


My poor friend Nancy is totally out of focus but had to include it because I adore her!


My sweet Momma cheering on my kid on HER Mother’s Day too!


Seeing Lauren almost as tall as her mom got me all choked up! HA!


And I actually made it in a photo! Me, my sister and my mom! With cars and soccer nets piled up behind us! HA!


All the MacBryde girls! So sweet!

I hope you all had a great Mother’s Day!