We had a busy but wonderful Mother’s Day! And because I’m working to blog more personal stuff instead of only client sneak peeks (I’m starting to truly miss the days of sharing our life in a way that allows me to write and share photos in a journal-ish way – I love looking back at 2007+ when I blogged our daily life!) I’m going to share my day!

Chris was pretty funny this year and about a week before called me one day and said, “Hey, I don’t want to screw anything up and I just want you to be happy so can you please just tell me what you want to do on Mother’s Day?” And for the first time I did!

I had seen the idea online somewhere (Pinterest I’m sure!) to have your kids write in a journal every year for Mother’s Day instead of a card so all of their love notes are in one special place. I LOVE that idea so I mentioned that to Chris first. Then when I told him that I didn’t mean a spiral school notebook and he sounded completely confused I told him I’d just buy the journal I wanted! HA! So a quick trip to Art Mart and I had a cute journal! So that’s all I had asked for besides to PLEASE GOD just let me sleep past 7am!

SO my day started when the family crept in and woke me up with breakfast in bed! SO sweet! I got to unwrap the journal which I TREASURE after only one year! Oh my gosh – what the kids wrote and colored along with what Chris wrote had me in tears within 5 minutes of opening my eyes! I got out of bed to go eat with the kids at the table when our sweet neighbor Emma came over! She’s used to seeing us in jammies and it was actually really great to get to hug one of my other kids on Mother’s Day so early in the morning!

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Emma came over because her and Riley worked on that poster with my kids one day last week when Kelly and I went for a walk! They drew our two houses and all the special things about our yards with the street in between! You guys I was CRYING! Still! So Em runs over to see if we’re up and ready for her mom to come see it and then having Kelly over just made the morning perfect! She gave me a coffee mug that looks like a camera lens with the sweetest card – still crying – and just filled our house up with joy! I love having them as our neighbors!



Klondike Park just outside of Defianc



We went out there because it’s a park we’ve never been to and hiking/walking out in nature is my absolute favorite thing to do with my kids. Not massive hikes but just exploring our world. I love watching them climb rocks, pick up bugs, run, etc. Bailey chased a frog and was SO mad she never caught it! It’s those little things that make me LOVE being outside with them!

When we’re home I get wrapped up in chores, work, laundry, etc. so when we’re out I can relax and just enjoy my family. I also love the drive. We put on our favorite play lists or Pandora (the Indigo Girls station is my FAV!), get a fountain soda and hit the road! I literally love every part of getting OUT! This summer we are making a list and every week we’re going to explore a new park! I will share the list once I make it!


We started by walking to the top of the park and the view was amazing!

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Then we went to the lower part of the park and the kids were OBSESSED with this playground! Usually we ignore playgrounds because we want to do the hike but this was a pretty cool one so we let them play for almost an hour! They were having so much fun trying to go from one end to the other without touching the ground! Parker is a monkey and totally killed the other two in speed and agility! Bailey was so funny b/c she was so competitive with Parker in the fact that she so desperately wanted to be as good as her but instead of being ugly or frustrated that she wasn’t as good she instead was so complimentary of PJ! She cheered her on and laughed at herself for being so bad. I love watching how the girls love one another in situations like this that I can imagine could potentially cause issues! And then there was Gray who was fine as long as Chris was next to him!

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Klondike Park used to be a sand quarry so there is beautiful white sand everywhere – it was beautiful! We didn’t walk all the way around because we let them play at the play area too long and had promised them ice cream in Defiance on the way home.


Love that shot of those two! Everyone sees me in Bailey but she looks a lot like Chris in that photo!

Just such a nice day! I am SO ready for summer so we have more days like this!