It’s official! I’m now offering Organic Bloom Frames in my online gallery for clients! Getting them all loaded into the gallery was a HUGE task and I have to admit that I breathed a sigh of relief when it was done! WHEW! And actually I literally finished about 20 minutes ago! HA!

I will follow this post up with photos of these GORGEOUS frames hanging in my house because I ordered some for myself! AND I just had a client order some 20×20 frames which I’m just dying to see! Can you even imagine how gorgeous that’s going to look? OH I can’t wait!

Those are all the options (well not ALL of the options because you can double them up and do all sorts of creative things!) AND here are all the colors!

To see all the amazing eye candy you can go check out their website… there are a lot of companies that are coming out with similar frames but hands down these are the best quality out there! I’m so excited about this! If you are in my family and want one for Christmas just let me know! I’d love to get my Christmas list done early this year!