
Ignore my blog this week if you don’t want to see personal stuff! Catching up and will be posting a LOT of our life!


Anyway – a few weeks ago the kids got C’s Grandpa’s Christmas gift to them – a NEW trampoline because our old one (that he gave us several years ago) lost the netting around it. The kids were SO excited because Chris just moved the old one to the back of the yard – it’s great but of course it means for the time being we have TWO trampolines in our yard which is crazy! The day he moved the old one back I was working at my desk and noticed Parker out there reading. There were like 5 kids on the new trampoline and there was PJ – all alone and in her happy place reading. I grabbed my camera for the first time in a LONG time to just capture our life.

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I love this photo – her smile is SO real here and she’s at the age of giving me a cheese grin when I ask to take her photo. I might need to frame this one!

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That’s the “MOOOOOOOOMMY – leave me alone!” HA!