The Statesmen had a big loss tonight and after an amazing winning streak I’m taking it hard. Yes. You read that right. I am taking it hard. Me. As if I were out there on the field playing or on the bench coaching. Nope. I was sitting in my chair on the other side of the field a mess of nerves because OH MY GOSH I wanted to beat this team SO SO SO badly tonight. But in the last minute of a double overtime they scored and the game was over – sudden death. Ugh. The worst way to lose a game – although PKs would have been worse I guess.
ANYWAY – since our house is pretty somber tonight I thought to cheer myself up I would post some fun photos from the other night in the front yard.
Chris was at practice Sunday night and the kids and I were hanging out on a quilt in the front yard having a picnic and waiting for him to get home. The weather was gorgeous. It was peaceful after a super crazy busy weekend. It was literally just what I needed. When C got home he started playing soccer with the kids – street soccer – their favorite – so I grabbed my camera.
Sometimes I’m so thankful I have a camera. My big one or my phone. Doesn’t really matter. Just a camera. To document the simple moments in our life. The ones that make my heart swell so big it wants to explode with happiness. That was this night. It was so simple. We were just playing in the front yard. With as much as we run around from here to there and juggle the craziness that is our life these quiet moments keep me sane. They make me so happy.
Here’s hoping you take a minute this week to slow down and capture the joys in your lives.