Oh my gosh you guys – how gorgeous is this couple?


We are always SO glad when couples agree to let us take family shots because I think it’s these photos that they will treasure even more than the ones of their sweet baby. I could be wrong of course but if this were me I would LOVE how my love was captured as I gazed down on my new daughter!

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This little girl was three weeks old (which is older than we normally capture newborns) so we had to work a bit harder to get her to sleep but a few times she was awake and SO calm we got great shots of her wide awake! I love when that happens!

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We have a little boom of babies this fall and I am SO excited! My dream since 2009 has been to have a steady stream of newborns each month and for the next few months we actually do! I’m not sure what we’re doing different but I feel SO lucky that so many families have chosen us to capture this sweet time in her life this fall! We are currently booking winter babies and if you know someone tell them to give us your name so you can get a referral gift card!