
I LOVED meeting this family last week!


Their little guy was SO sweet! By the end of the session he was in my arms and we were buddies! I LOVE that!

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Mom got crafty and made that cute #1!


Seriously – the cutest!

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Sometimes I see other photographers ONLY offer their clients sunset sessions and I feel a little envious. Sunset is definitely a beautiful time of day and the light is amazing. BUT it also takes me away from my kids at the worst time – I love taking them to practices and watching their games which happen to fall during that sunset time all too often. I also want to be home to help with homework and get them to bed. Plus, for a lot of my littlest clients, sunset is bedtime and they are happiest in the morning or even mid-day after their morning naps. While I will always love sunset light I think anytime of day can produce gorgeous images a family will treasure!


Quick snack break and then back to photos!

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Shannon – I LOVE your laugh!


Happiest of birthdays little man! I hope to watch you grow for a long time to come!