Halloween Mini Session | $350
30 minute session at a location of your choice M-F
10 fully edited high-res images
digital file download
for children that can sit up unassisted but best for kids old enough to understand their costume and get into their character

Christmas Tree Mini Session | $350
30 minute session in your home after dark M-F
10 fully edited high-res images
digital file download
all children must be able to sit-up unassisted
Studio Mini Session | $TBD
5-15 minute session
includes high-res images
digital download
all children must be able to sit-up unassisted

Studio Mini Sessions are offered a few times a year at different locations both in St. Louis and the Milwaukee areas. Snuggle Minis usually happen in late fall and Valentine Minis take place in January but occassionally we will come up with an idea and announce minis at other times also. We’ve done spring minis, presidential minis and back-to-school minis to name a few. These get announced in our newsletter and on social media so make sure you subscribe and follow us to be in the know. They are scheduled back-to-back on one day in 5-15 minute time slots. It’s a crazy+fun day for all of us!