Oh man! There is so much going on right now! Last days of school, me running every day, working on my FOURTH week without Mnt. Dew, last minute sessions, etc! Tonight the kids have their last choir practice with a pizza party afterwards and I’m supposed to be going to a preschool open house also but after a LONG day I think something has to give! Anyway, I have ten minutes to hit POST before the next thing on my list starts yelling for my attention so I’m going to stop chatting and get to these super sweet photos of little Stella!

Headband from LMG Creative Designs!

Stella was a dream! So easy to work with and slept like a champ! She ate a ton too but that’s nothing new! Thanks so much to the Bates family for bringing her to the studio… it was great to meet you guys and cuddle with your sweet baby girl for a little while!

Happy Wednesday everyone! Counting the days until summer when our family catches up from a long season of not seeing each other much! Summer is my FAVORITE time of the entire year because Chris is home so much and we’re together doing the things we love! Total bliss! And just days away!