Spending some time this week to blog some personal stuff! THEN eventually I will blog client stuff too! Maybe I’ll surprise myself and mix it up! Keep it interesting! The kids and the neighbs kids are watching Minions while I blog and Chris fights the water in our basement. We are all in our happy places – not that Chris loves fighting basement water BUT he has a serious system going on down there and is the captain of his ship! HA! He loves having a system! AND the flood has forced me to purge, organize and list stuff on the swap and sell so THAT is making C extremely happy! Purging and organizing is his love language! Hope your Monday night is as exciting as mine!


Chris and the kids have been obsessed with roller hockey in the street lately! They’ve had some EPIC battles!


Chris is seriously the BEST dad – he has more fun than the kids when they play together!

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The girls!


Love those guys!