I watch a lot of soccer. All three kids play and my husband coaches the high school team. It’s a lot. Luckily I love packing water bottles and snacks. I love keeping my favorite quilt in the back of the van next to the first aid kit and my special chair. I love early weekend mornings and late weekday afternoons at the field. I love the friends I get to sit next to and chat with while we watch the game. I love cheering on the kids, talking through disappointments and success and all the other lessons they learn on a team. Of course it makes my life insane sometimes and I certainly lose my temper but at the end of the season I love it all more than I hate it!


A hard part of watching C’s high school team is getting to know his players, cheering for them, watching them grow and then having to say goodbye! And sometimes it’s even harder to say goodbye to their parents who are the ones that support Chris behind the scenes and chat with me at the field. This is one of those families. I simply adore Teresa and her parents are equally amazing. I think I could meet her mom for lunch and look up only to realize it’s dinner time – you know those kind of people you just want to talk to forever? She’s great! SO it was a total joy for me to meet Teresa and her mom for her senior session – but sad to know that all too soon this soccer season will be over and she’ll be heading off to college!


Teresa you are so beautiful!

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I’m sure she thought I was crazy when I asked her to climb this huge hill and sit by this lone tree – and although the image itself might look a little lonely or sad I just love it.


She is such a tiny little thing but MAN is she tough on the soccer field!


She is just one more in a long list of amazing girls that my kids look up to. As a mom I feel really lucky to have girls like Teresa in my kid’s lives.



Thanks for letting me capture this time in your life Teresa! You are GORGEOUS and I can’t wait to see what you do with your life!