I totally forgot to announce the winner of the Fresh Class popular vote from the weekend and I remembered when I got an email from a blog reader (Hi Erin!) who added them up for us! THANKS ERIN! We usually pay Kim’s daughter in iTunes gift cards for counting our contests but this time we just forgot!
So #4, ANNIE… email me the gift card of your dreams and we’ll get it out to you!
I’ve been working 16+ hour days all week and today is no exception as I am working on finishing this wedding…
We also have “meet the teacher night” for parents at Bailey’s school which is super exciting but I’ll be up all night finishing these so the next two days I can be without a computer since my NEW one is ready to be picked up and have the files from this one transferred over! YAHOO for a new computer! Went with the 17in. Mac Book Pro since I’m working at home AND KCCI each day… just makes more sense although I’m dying to get into a desktop!
Anyway, congrats Annie and check back later b/c we’ll be posting a cute 6 month old later tonight!