My BFF Angie met another Allen family and they’ve become good friends this year. At first I was kind of jealous. Because if you know me you know I can be totally immature sometimes. This other ALLEN family just sounded so perfect! SO I truly wanted to dislike them. But the first time I met Becky I knew I was done for. I actually really liked her! She is sweet and giving and caring and gorgeous. Her kids are just as great and so is her husband. Their daughter, Grace, plays soccer with Bailey (and Angie’s daughter, Kate) so we’ve gotten to know them a little better this spring and I’m just so so glad. There are so few families that you click with, I think. Or ones whose kids you really truly like to be around! Or whose parenting style and discipline is on par with your own. Now, I don’t know them that well but from what Angie’s told me, all those things line up. So while I was trying to hate them before, now I’m just so glad that not only does Angie’s family have another set of really great friends, but I’m just as blessed to know them as well.

I can’t tell you the last time I had a session, edited it and blogged it on the same day, but I couldn’t help myself! This was such an easy and fun session. For an awesome family. And so I’m staying up late tonight to get this posted for them! Because I hope they love these images as much as I do!

See? How can you not totally love this family?

They’re moving soon and Becky mentioned that she wanted some new large canvases for their new walls to celebrate this new chapter in their lives… I hope this new chapter is fun, colorful and full of love+laughter because then these images represent it perfectly!

Thanks (other) Allen family for allowing me to capture you guys today! I had a blast!