My brother-in-law is funny. I don’t know how else to describe him. Except to say that in my world he is the funniest human being I know. Sorry C! He is also one of the kindest. And I’ve know him since before he was in high school so it’s been incredible to watch him grow up.

Grow up to be successful and in love and the Godfather to Grayman.

He used to leave the BEST comments ever over on the old Jodified blog, when it was just family reading and my sister would call the next day cracking up at what he wrote! I’ve printed some of them they’re so good. I also have letters saved that he’s written… including the FIVE page letter he wrote to rsvp to our wedding. I’ll have to show you that sometime. It has got to go down and the best wedding invite response ever! Sorry, I should have added best writer around also!


When I heard he wanted to get creative for his Christmas card this year with his girl friend Betsey and their dog, Pancakes, I volunteered to shoot it for them. We talked about the location, the clothes, the props, etc and yesterday it all came to fruition. And it did NOT disappoint! I even had my in-laws there watching and helping with props and LAUGHING b/c OMG it was hilarious!

Some of my favorites…











Take two awesome people, an abandoned building, great props and clothing from Value Village… toss is the cheesiest poses known to man… and you have the BEST holiday photos EVER!

How will they ever top this next year? HA!