I am really loving urban sessions right now! The lines, light, colors, textures, etc. all make me feel so creative! Parks are great too but I’m just in love with urban all over again right now!


I mean, I won’t lie, the even light is super nice too! HA!


Lately I’ve also been loving the in-between moments I capture sometimes too! There is something I really love about baby girl laughing at her Momma! Even though you can’t see Mom at all!


And this scrunched nose face? Slays me. Love!


Look at that sweet smile!


And what you don’t see here is the blankie I was swinging around and around my head to get her to giggle! If someone followed me around with a camera it would be pretty embarrassing! HA!

Thank you SO much C family! So glad to see you all together (Dad recently got home from being deployed)!